How to Handle Job Gaps on a Resume 

Why did the recruiter ask me what I’ve been doing since being laid off? What can I do to show I’ve been busy and growing my skills during my job search?

6 Productive Ways to Fill a Job Gap

  1. Volunteer: Ideally, find a place to volunteer where you can utilize your skills. Whatever they may be. It doesn’t need to be directly affiliated with the type of work you do in your professional life. Fill others cup and in turn, fill yours too!
  2. Education: Take a class, brush up on technical abilities, learn a new skill that you can enjoy either personally or professionally.
  3. Get certified: Both the alcohol beverage and cannabis industries have various programs to level up your knowledge. They look great on your resume!
  4. Networking: Elevate your networking efforts to a new level. There is no other time when networking is more important. Don’t let your pride get in the way of reaching out to friends in the industry, past bosses, and former colleagues. People generally love to help. Ask for it!
  5. Travel: Always dreamt of going wine tasting internationally? Now is the time. There is no need to feel guilty for doing this – you don’t have work piling up and waiting for you back at the office. Be present, get refreshed, and talk about the great time you had during interviews. Your enthusiasm will be contagious.
  6. Take a part time job outside of your industry: Studies show that candidates who are currently working during the interview process are more confident and have access to more opportunities because they are expanding their network beyond their industry. You never know, the person you’re friendly with at that job could have a partner or close contact who IS in the beverage or cannabis industry. Opportunities can be found anywhere and everywhere. Don’t lose sight of that.

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