Headhunter Hints: 5 things not to say in an interview


Ever find yourself saying catch phrases in a job interview? Train yourself out of these bad habits. Here are five things not to say in an interview and what you could say instead.


5 Things Not to Say in an Interview – Say This Not That


1. “If I’m being honest”. Instead try “to be frank” or “frankly”.
2. “Don’t worry, I won’t say this during the real interview”. If you are speaking with someone who has influence on hiring decisions, it is a real interview.
3. Don’t mention or focus on your age. Some commonly heard examples are:
a. “I’m over 50 but I still have a few good years left” or “I’m over 50 and want to find my home before I retire”. Instead try “Finding a long-term fit is important to me. You can see from my background I prefer not to jump around and make job changes”.
b. “I’m over 50 but I still have a lot of energy.” Instead try “I have over 20 years of experience and enjoy staying active. I play in a softball league and coach my daughters soccer team”.
c. “I may be young, but I still have good ideas.” Instead try “I’ve found that no matter what your age or your background you are able to contribute good ideas, I’m looking for an employer who thinks similarly”.
3. “I don’t have any industry related experience but figure I can be taught.” Instead try “Although I’d be new to the industry, I’ve been networking and have done a ton of research. Here is what I’ve learned (keep it succinct). I’m open to any suggestions or ideas you may have on how I can continue to gain the expertise needed to be successful”.
4. “I’m looking for new opportunities because this is a horrible place to work. They don’t pay bonuses and the culture is terrible.” Instead try “I’m open to new opportunities where hard work and meeting or exceeding KPI’s is celebrated and rewarded. A positive team culture is what I strive to give my employees and would love for my employer to share those values as well”.
5. “My boss is a micromanager, and I cannot take it anymore.” Instead try “I’ve learned so much in my current role, however, I feel that it’s time for me to move on. It would be exciting to have new colleagues and mentors to learn from so that I may continue along my chosen career path”.
These are just a few examples. Try not to over-think your responses. Asking a friend to run through a mock interview is never a bad idea!