Dear start-ups, here is why you may not be getting much of a response when you post sales jobs

Candidates have gotten savvier and more particular when deciding what company they’d like to join. When you post your sales jobs, it’s best if your website is up, it’s functional, and ready for people to start purchasing your products, even if you haven’t launched them yet. Having a “store locator” option on your website gives candidates a sense of security that they can have a real shot at building your brand. They have more confidence when calling on their retail buyers. Today’s consumers want information about ingredients, purpose, and calorie count. You can’t gain velocity without repurchases. Make buying your product easy.

If you’re not able to have a strong website yet, can the potential candidates taste your product? Is it available to order DTC, or in any accounts? Are you willing to send them product to encourage them to continue through the interview process? Many companies wait too long to do this, and candidates lose interest.

If you cannot have these before needing to bring on board your key hires, utilizing a headhunter (like GSP) is your best bet. Be willing to share additional details that allow us to get excited about your product, and in turn, source quality candidates based on existing relationships and the fact that we are trusted in the beverage community. Working in partnership with a recruiter you can trust allows the employer branding to begin, which can be difficult to do when you are working in a start-up and still determining exactly what your culture is or will be at the time of your launch.

The right candidates aren’t scared of joining a start-up, they are ensuring that they are setting your brand and themselves for success.

Need more tips on job postings? Check out our recent article on How To Write Effective Job Postings.