Are you looking for advice on how to effectively and successfully hire for a start-up?


How to Effectively and Successfully Hire for a Start-Up


Helping build teams is what I love to do. Since founding Gehl Search Partners I’ve had the pleasure of helping numerous startups hire their first employee(s) and there are a few things I’ve found that are helpful when considering your first hires.


Are they a known expert in their field?


As a startup it can be difficult to gain traction on your brand, whether due to competition, or barriers of entry. Hiring an individual who is known in your industry can be a game changer. They come with the knowledge and relationships to immediately become an asset on your team, and for your company’s growth.


Have they come from a similar industry?


Sometimes hiring executives from outside of your particular industry can be extremely beneficial as they will bring new ideas that may be outside of what is considered the norm. They will likely enjoy learning a new industry, while concurrently giving your team the opportunity to gain new ways of working.


Have they worked for public companies?


Depending on the role, this can be both beneficial and a watch out. Many public companies, especially larger ones, have a slew of resources that startups may not have for years. However, they can also bring well-renowned training, and knowledge from executive coaching programs that provide an invaluable education that your company may now benefit from.


I’ve found that candidates who have experience in both large and small companies typically tend to work best within startups. They bring processes and knowledge but also aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves, get scrappy, and pivot to get things done.


Offer an enticing compensation package.


Cash compensation is important, but it isn’t the most important aspect for every candidate. While you are small and nimble is a great time to determine what compensation packages and perks mean most to those candidates you are targeting.


Offering remote or hybrid work, bonuses (especially if paid out quarterly), adequate PTO, equity offerings and long term incentives are some of the most impactful ways to attract and retain hard to find talent.


Lastly, listen to their ideas!


Make sure those you’ve hired feel valued and that they are being heard. They have taken a big leap to join a start-up and have put their faith in you and your company. Show them they are needed and appreciated and it can pay off in spades.

Looking for more Head Hunter Hints for your start up business to effectively and successfully hire talent? Follow the Gehl Search Partners YouTube channel