Head Hunter Hints on Quiet Quitting

from Gehl Search Partners


I’ve heard a few people say that candidates are getting lazy or employees are getting lazy or they’re quiet quitting.


When in the first time in the 20+ years I’ve been in HR and recruiting, I think we are just now starting to see the playing field level out a little bit.


And there’s nothing wrong with that. And in fact, employers should be happy with that instead of scared of that.


Because candidates are gonna be even more particular about joining your organization now. So if they turn you down when you make an offer, yeah it’s gonna suck.


But great! They didn’t feel like working very hard for you. You didn’t inspire them. And vice versa.


So we can continue to look at this as a negative thing or we can actually look at it as something that’s allowing people to truly find their right job in their home in terms of work.


And for employers to find employees that are truly excited and committed to making a difference at their employer.


Watch the Quiet Quitting video


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