The One Page Resume


Head Hunter Hints from Gehl Search Partners


For decades, people have been saying your résumé should only be a one page resume.


And I think the majority of recruiters that you’ll speak to, those of us that recruit every day all day, will say that’s actually not a good idea unless you’re very early on in your career.


And the reason for that is because when you are forced to eliminate bullet points in parts of your experience to create a one page résumé, you’re inevitably going to leave out something that some employer in some job that you’re applying for is going to want to see.


So rather than pick and choose for them what you feel is important when you truly aren’t a hundred percent sure what they may be looking for outside of the job description, go ahead and go to two pages.


I wouldn’t go over two pages unless there’s a very good reason. Sometimes that includes prior work history that people really want to ensure that the future employer sees.


In the alcohol industry that could be Gallo experience.


It’s common in the cannabis industry as well to be able to be very proud of the number of years of experience that you have at this point in the industry.


So if there’s a very strong and compelling reason to go to three pages, OK.


But still probably around two pages is best unless you’re a recent college grad or somebody just starting out in your career than one page definitely will do it.


Watch The One Page Resume video



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